- Lances - wooden, diameter
must be not less than 1.25 inches, overall 11' in length, 8' lathe cut
base, handgrip no more then 2' from the butt end, may be counter-weighted,
with sleeve to accept 3' long tip inserts:
- Ring tips may have a tapered point.
- Quintain and Joust tips must have a blunt point and may be:
- Frangible tips of balsa (for juste á plaisance.)
- Solid tips of pine or other similar material (for juste á outrance.)
- Swords and daggers - Redshield batons, hardwood wasters, or rebated steel only.
- Pole Axe/Halberd - Wooden haft with shaped, hard leather or rubber head.
(Though we intend to experiment with, and ultimately change to, rebated
steel for these as well)
Shields (Ecranche)
- Wooden, minimum 5/8 inch thick, no sharp or jagged edges.
- Must be authentically shaped for our period.
Armor (these
are minimum suggestions, all competitors will be subject to a safety inspection
at the discretion of the Field Marshall)
All competitors must be "Armed at all Points", fully armed and equipped for joust and battle.
All equipment is subject to the same degree of scrutiny for historical accuracy as the participant's other gear.
- Helm
- minimum 14ga mild steel, or 18ga hardened spring steel
- Design must be authentic to our period, e.g. Greathelm, bascinet, etc.
- Oculars must be no wider than 1/2 inch.
- 1/2" minimum padding is strongly recommended.
- Throat (at least one of the following)
- Coif - Full mail hood covering the entire head and neck.
- Camail - mail aventail (or similar) attached to the bascinet and draped
such that it completely covers the neck and shoulders
- Gorget - Steel or hardened leather, close-fitting, throat guard.
- Torso
- Padded aketon covering the entire torso and the arms to the wrist, and
one of the following:
- Hauberk of riveted mild steel or butted spring steel mail extending below the hips
and covering the entire torso and arms to the wrists.
- Cote of Plates
- minimum 16ga mild steel, 20ga hardened spring steel, or hardened 10oz. leather
- plates must overlap and be sewn or riveted onto a durable backing material suitable
for our period
- Solid breastplate
- minimum 16ga mild steel, 20ga hardened spring steel, or hardened 10oz. leather
- Other standards to be added...
- Arms
- minimum 16ga mild steel, 20ga hardened spring steel
- full arm harness consisting of rerebrace, couter, and vambrace.
- Legs
- minimum 16ga mild steel, 20ga hardened spring steel
- Minimum of padded cuisse and steel poleyn, floating greaves, and sabatons. Though
full case greaves are strongly encouraged and will be greatly lauded.
- Hands
- Hourglass mitten or finger gauntlets of mild steel or hardened spring steel must be
worn for ground combat.
- None required for the joust. However, experience has shown that some form of hand protection
such as a manifer for the left hand and a gauntlet for the right is strongly recommended.